Thursday, April 24, 2014

From The Pages of Poplar Science

 Looks like those pesky rodents are at it again...and I couldn't be happier! I'll tell you why in a moment. First of all, let me just state that the eastern flank of my property line is home to a fence. The fence is roughly 150 feet long and separates my property from that of my neighbours. To protect their identity I will only refer to them as 'the Brewskis'.

The Brewskis are rather territorial. The fence was erected to keep the Vartys out, or perhaps the Brewskis in. I'm really not sure why the fence was put up, but I am happy to announce that I love the fence and it's made my life much more pleasurable (what you can't see, can't hurt you!). Best of all, I didn't pay a cent for it!

Sadly, the fence hasn't cured all of my neighbours 'issues'. Madame Brewski has a habit of 'crossing the line' and 'rearranging' things on my property. It's happened a few times. Sometimes she just comes to the property line and tosses her organic waste over into my yard. Sometimes she just hurls insults. Sometimes she's well onto my property. She needs help. So do I.

Imagine my delight when I discovered that a busy beaver has been building a dam between my property and the Brewskis. The dam appears to be just on my side of the property line and it goes from the end of the fence right down to the water's edge. When I first noticed the dam, it was constructed of felled branches and logs. Later, it would appear, the beaver has fortified the dam with leaves and mud. It looks quite impenetrable. I suspect that the Brewskis will be delighted with the handiwork of the beaver since they appreciate territorialism.

This new dam will keep Madame Brewski on her own property and not on my land. It would be difficult to cross on foot, although she could always 'sweep' across in the air (see Nimbus 2000). I see this new barrier as a good thing because it will promote good relations. Thank you to the industrious beaver!

Well, that's it for today's blog. Miserable day here today; heavy rain turning to snow later in the day, they say. Yeesh. I think I'll take the day off and spend it in the lodge.

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