Friday, May 2, 2014

April Showers Bring What?!?

After 22 years of living in Cambridge-Narrows, I experienced a 'first' this morning. I had a goose on my property! We've had geese in the area for decades but recently their numbers have been growing and a resident population has been established. Until today they've never set foot on my land or deposited their 'crap' on my lawn (which is more than I can say for the Brewskis!).

The goose in this morning's picture was nibbling at the grass very close to where I had the picnic table located last year. Another goose was swimming in the lake about a hundred feet away. I think they're probably trolling the shoreline looking for a suitable nesting site. Wouldn't it be interesting if they set up shop on my lawn? That could make for some interesting games of croquet!

Geese, I'm told, can be quite aggressive as neighbours. They'll defend 'their' territory and even attack humans. Of course, I know how to deal with that as I have 7 years of practice. Step one: pretend to ignore them but, in reality, watch their every move. Step two: photograph or videotape their territorial behaviour. Step three: write about them behind their back! Step four: share your stories and have a good laugh with friends. Step five: never leave a cheeseburger unattended on the barbeque in a west wind.

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