Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Snap, Grackle, Pop!

Taking a picture of the ubiquitous grackle is like photographing pigeons. Grackles are so common that we rarely think to photograph them, preferring to hunt the elusive ibis or impressive eagle. The grackle, with its 'wilder than Gene Wilder' eyes and iridescent hijab, is quite a looker!

I took this image in Lower Jemseg while photographing the ibis. You know, if the grackle was a foot taller in height, and less common in number, we'd be fawning all over it.

The word 'grackle' itself doesn't have any special meaning beyond referring to the bird. I wonder if it was named after the sound it makes, since it wasn't named after the way it looks (unlike the black-capped orbison). The Sibley Guide To Birds describes the song of the grackle as "an unmusical, harsh, metallic hiss" and very harsh, toneless" and "thin, wheezy". Ouch.

Aren't you glad that Mr. David Allen Sibley doesn't review operas?

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