Monday, May 12, 2014

The Low-Down On Mr.Gosling

Is it just me, or are there a lot more geese in New Brunswick these days?  I seem to be seeing them everywhere. On lakes, in fields, flying. Everywhere (stated again for dramatic effect).

When I was a boy, growing up in Skyline Acres, we would look up (above the acres of skyline) and watch huge flocks of geese fly over in the springtime and again in the fall. Where they went was a mystery but it appeared to be north in the spring and south in the fall, just like the human snow birds.

Things have changed, I believe. It seems that we now have small gaggles of geese that arrive, not huge flocks.  Instead of passing through New Brunswick they appear to be setting up shop here. Perhaps Tourism New Brunswick and David Myles have had an impact on the geese. They no longer fly right through, or drive right through. Maybe, just maybe, we are a province with a growing number of bird brains (literally). Perhaps we should elect a goose to the Legislature (they'd be against fracking and Irving monoculture, methinks, but so would all animals....with only one notable exception)

I, myself, am rather goosey. Think about it in terms of lifestyle. What do geese do? They hang out on land, often happy to pick away for hours at weeds in a garden. They spend a lot of time lollygagging around the lakes and rivers. They just kind of exist for the sake of existing.

In physical terms I'm a dead ringer for a goose: huge beak, long skinny neck, dumpy torso, ridiculously thin legs and big feet. Jeezuzzzz....I'm like a human goose!

I thought you considered yourself to be a rhino? This is just laughable. You want to be a big burly rhino (with attitude), but you're nothing more than a quaint little goose! A delicate rhinette in goose feathers! This must make you feel 'down'?

Them are fightin' words!

What, like a pillow fight?

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