Friday, May 16, 2014

The Invisible Mr.Bittern

It would have been impossible not to have seen the glossy ibis that I spotted a few days ago. With its shimmering (glossy) feathers and dark silhouette, it stood out like a sore thumb in a field of pristine toes.

Today's image was taken a few days ago in a field in Sheffield (chez field). It's a perfectly camouflaged bittern. I guess it wasn't 'perfectly' hidden because I saw it, but it was almost invisible.

The encounter with the bittern has got me wondering why some birds blend so well with their environment and others look like Vegas signage. Does the bittern, for example, blend with its surroundings to make it less noticeable when it's hunting, or when it's being hunted? Why doesn't the ibis have or need this advantage?

I have some theories about these questions but I won't make a fool of myself and put them in print. I think that I need to mull these big questions over and get back to you, although you can wade into the debate and offer your thoughts...if you dare.

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