Sunday, May 18, 2014

Daffy Duck Tales

Black ducks  (Daffius dangerosae) are common in New Brunswick. They can be found just about everywhere: ponds. lakes, rivers, WalMart, fields, dark alleys. They seem to be 'tolerant' of humans and less likely to fly away in a panic when we approach them. This is because they want us to they can feed on us.

Don't say I didn't warn you! They're vicious; they'll tear you to pieces. They're big too. They can easily take down a medium sized adult human male. I photographed these two killers in Lower Jemseg. Needless to say, I had the car doors locked and I nervously shot this image through the relative safety of my car's glass windows. I also kept the car running (for a speedy getaway) in case they tried to pierce the metal of my car or puncture my tires with their razor sharp beaks.

Black duck fun fact: after the eastern mountain panther and the jackelope, they're the third leading cause of death to New Brunswick outdoor enthusiasts.

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