Sunday, May 11, 2014

Lodging A Public Complaint: Beaver Style

The other day we had three beavers swimming in front of our place, just 15 feet off our shore. I say 'we' because Julian was here to witness the event. I tried to get an image of the three beavs together but only managed to get two in the frame at a time. Ultimately I decided to use this image (left) as it was quite attractive with the reflection of the silver maple in the blue morning shadows.

Three beavs, you say?

Yes, three, and that makes perfect sense. I wondered how the beaver dam became so damned big. With three of them working on it, that explains everything. Want to see what it looks like?

This is not what you'd call riveting footage but I'm putting it on the internet for a reason. I want to have a record of what it looks like, just in case 'something' should happen to it.

What do you mean by 'something'?

Well, on Friday afternoon, Madame Brewski wandered down to the corner of her property, where it meets mine at the end of the fence (note: she was not on my property) and looked at the beaver dam. She then threw some 'stuff' onto my property. Looked like sticks or trash. I couldn't tell and I haven't bothered to go down and look. Madame Brewski then walked back up her driveway, pausing for a moment to turn toward my property, and gave me (or my property) the double-barreled middle finger salute. She was wearing blue rubber gloves at the time so it was quite a visual. Because of her diminutive stature (height) or the height of the fence, I only saw her hands. There was no eye contact. I should also make note that she's only been back for three days and I've had no contact of any sort with her, nor do I want any. Ever. At the time of her misbehavin', Lord Brewski was not at home. 

She's an angry woman who needs professional help, in my opinion.

I fully expect that Madame Brewski will attempt to come onto my property and create a mess of the beaver dam at some point. She's been on my property on a number of occasions in the past and made a mess of my place. She can't seem to help herself and nobody else on her dam side seems interested in helping her. It's a sad situation. It'll be interesting to see if the dam will hold back the tide of ill will.

Destroying it would be an illegal act under Section 195 of the Crimes Act. Malicious damage of property is not something to be lightly considered by the perpetrator. 

"If the value of the property does not exceed $2,000, the maximum penalty that can be imposed is a fine of $2,200. If found guilty of this offence, a three stage test applies, being: 

1. You must destroy or damage property. 
2. The property belongs to another person. 
3. That action must be done intentionally or recklessly."

Regardless upon which side of the dam you stand, it's good to know where you stand. 

I know where I stand. So does the law.

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