Thursday, May 29, 2014

Julian Varty - University Graduate

A little over two years ago, Julian announced to me that it was his intention to graduate first in his class at UNB. His class was Economics. It was an ambitious statement, but certainly achievable. He made this quiet proclamation as part of an overall strategic plan to see him get into the grad school of his choice.

So....what happened?

Julian did achieve his goal....and then some! He was top of his class, but along the way he also managed to maintain the highest academic average of any 3rd or 4th year student in the entire Arts Faculty at UNB! As a result of this, Julian will be receiving the Lieutenant-Governor's Silver Medal at today's graduation ceremonies. Yesterday he was awarded two other prizes for academic excellence.

Perhaps even more impressive is the fact that Julian didn't take the easy route to this particular finish line. Among the courses he took at UNB were a number of graduate level courses. I tip my hat to him for announcing a strategic plan, sticking to it, and actually exceeding it by a million miles. All of this has led to today's graduation ceremonies at UNB.

Along the way you've become an excellent musician, far more than just a guitar player. I'm impressed. Academics and music aside, your humanitarian contributions to 'society' are nothing short of staggering. Your devotion to your grandmother's (Mootha's) well-being is beyond admirable. You're in a league of your own...well done. You are, without any shadow of a doubt, an individual. I don't know of anyone who reminds me of you. Congratulations for not being a clone.

Today's graduation is the end of one important phase of your life, but the beginning of another. Your hard work at UNB and Dal has set you up nicely for your masters degree at McMaster University in Hamilton. No one 'opened' this door for you...other than you yourself,  though it's worth acknowledging that you've had support along the way in the form of a family who believes in you. That will not change.

As long as you're living, my baby you'll be.

That did not sound like my alter ego. Wendy, is that you?


How'd you get access to my blog?

I hacked into your system. It was easy. All I had to do was guess your blog password. I got it right on the first guess: 'julian1992issmarterthanhisoldman1963'.....c'mon, just too obvious! 

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