Thursday, June 13, 2013

A Day In The Life Of The Donna Del Lago

Imagine having a successful and satisfying career. Imagine having another successful and satisfying career. Imagine traveling the world. Imagine living in a glorious place (at least part-time). Imagine having great friends (some restrictions apply). Imagine having a wonderful husband (some restrictions apply). Imagine having a very nice family (some restrictions apply).

That's Wendy.

Yesterday Wendy ziggy-zagged off to Milan to work with a professional opera singer at La Scala, then she'll spend three weeks in Sulmona, Italy (2850 km away from Mesopotamia) teaching voice to some of Canada's rising operatic moons, planets and (hopefully) stars. It's all very Bowie meets the B52s meets Betty Blackhead. It's global, it's cool, and no restrictions apply.

Well done, I'd say.

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