Monday, June 10, 2013

Nielsen Family Party: Spring 2013 Edition

"All they do is party."

I'm afraid that I have to attribute this quote The Nielsen family does an admirable job of getting together a few times a year for family parties. Yesterday everyone gathered at our place.

Wendy, as always, delivered a delicious meal with side salads from the sisters-in-law. It's a recipe that has been proven to work.

Not that there ever needs to be an 'excuse' for a party, but yesterday's fete was attributed to Paul's 77th birthday and Linda's 73rd. Much merriment was had. The highlight for me was the baseball game in the Pines, or perhaps Chantal's hilarious story of being fined for parking in a handicapped parking spot (at Tim Horton's).

Wait, shouldn't ever parking spot at Tim Horton's be considered handicapped? Think 'mentally'.

Anyways, Chantal was practically hysterical with laughter as she shared her story. Joan told her tale of doing 77km/h on Bishop Drive and narrowly avoiding a speeding ticket. Erik told of his vigilante-like behaviour on King Street while confronting a dangerous (idiot) driver, while Peter Parker Pinsler stood curbside trying to control his sense-tingling Eriknaphobia. It seemed like everyone had a story to tell, though we only heard a few.

This family has a lot of potential for normalcy, and I think there will be revelations revealed in the future. Thankfully I have a comfortable back seat as we drive clockwise through life's traffic circles, laughing healthily at ourselves.

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