Wednesday, June 12, 2013

More Dece Than Reese

Are you looking for a cookie/dessert idea that's completely over the top? Well, we we've found it. As you know, I have an international baked good affliction. Recently, while on Mount Desert Island (soon to be renamed Mount Dessert Island), I, along with my culinary sidekicks Wendy and Julian, discovered a new C.L.O. (cookie like object). It was a peanut butter cup peanut butter cookie.

It didn't have an inventive name so I may call it the PBC-squared (PBC²). It was ridiculously delicious and something that we thought we could make at home, so we did.

In essence you make a giant peanut butter cookie, then while it's still warm and malleable you smush it into a muffin tin, then place a frozen Reese's peanut butter cup in the base, then pour extra melted chocolate over the peanut butter cup. Et voila!

Warning: these should not be eaten any further than 5km from a hospital with a cardiologist at the ready.

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