Thursday, June 20, 2013

Interracial Cohabitative Lesbian Ducks.....I Think.

 I suppose the title of my blog says it all (and then some!), but allow me to elaborate.

Earlier this spring we had a male and female wood deck nesting in our oak tree. The day they left, two other ducks showed up and applied to rent the nesting site. One was a female golden-eye and the other was a female merganser.

It's not unusual for ducks to compete  for nesting sites, not at all. It's just like Torontonians competing for
condos. What is odd is that I see these two ducks almost daily, yet I've never seen a male duck with either of them.

Now, I've never been one to jump to conclusions (lesbian ducks!), but this situation is unusual. We have had lesbian ducks in the past but they were of the same species. Now we have an interracial couple. How cool is that?

But seriously folks....I assume that the golden-eye is nesting in the tree and the merganser is patiently waiting for the nest to become available. They both seem like good tenants. As the landlord of the oak tree, I've done exhaustive background checks on both of them and everything looks legitimate. Curiously, they both list Provincetown (Cape Cod) as their home town.


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