Saturday, June 8, 2013

The 15 Minute Workout: Fonda That!

Jane Fonda be damned. Julian and I found a much better 15 minute workout than anything Ms.Fonda ever offered. Here's how it happened...

Julian and I decided to hike up Beehive with Wendy opting for a walk on Sand Beach instead. Julian said to Wendy 'how long do you think it will take us to hike up Beehive'?

Wendy said 'thirty minutes'.

Thirty minutes seemed reasonable, but we knew we could do it faster. Starting from the trailhead marker by the Park Loop Road, the 'boy' and I were able to reach the summit of Beehive (520 ft) in exactly 15 minutes. Our hearts were racing as we sprinted up the hill. The ladder sections have to be taken carefully so we'd be hard pressed to do it in less time. It was very satisfying for both Julian and me. I suspect we'll try it again next time we visit. Maybe we could shave one minute off our time. Maybe. I'll be at least 50 before we make it back to Acadia National Park, so perhaps I'll be a minute slower. Ha! Not likely. 

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