Saturday, June 1, 2013

Kayak Klown

There's Something About Mary. That's a movie.

There's Something About Wendy (in a kayak). That's a reality.

It seems that every time Wendy gets in a kayak, she becomes...hmmmm, how to phrase this eloquently? Goofy!

Perhaps kayaking is the ultimate antidote to a stressful career as an opera singer. Perhaps one is not truly free until sitting in a boat that is four inches above the water and constantly threatening to spin 180 degrees (vertically, I might add).

Or, perhaps Wendy is just a goof. Lord knows, she lives with an inspirational role model.

Well, I'd love to write more but I have to go bake some Skittle infused raspberry-rhubarb  muffins in my Easy Bake oven. Kidding! I'm goofy too, but not a freak.

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