Sunday, June 2, 2013

Thunderstorms And God Swill

Wendy and I were playing cards yesterday afternoon when we noticed the sky darkening. Within two minutes it was clear that a doozy of a thunderstorm was about to hit. Remembering that I had opened a few windows in the MacMann cottage, I hurried up there to shut everything.

Good timing. The skies opened up and a wild amount of rain and wind whipped the neighbourhood. I watched it unfold from the MacMann's back porch. I've never seen more rain fall in five minutes in Cambridge-Narrows. I could have
almost kayaked down the driveway. A large maple fell in the MacMann woods. Our lawn temporarily flooded.

The pictures don't do our mini-storm justice because they were taken after the fact, but you do get a sense for why I labeled this storm a Class 4 doozy. Mind you, this isn't the U.S. mid-west. It could have been much worse..or better, depending upon how you view it. It could have carried 'Toto Beers' off to Kansas. Wishful thinking.

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