Monday, June 24, 2013

Don't Talk W. Your Mouth Full feat. Bird

There's a good argument for keeping a bird feeder going in the wintertime. Food is scarce and the birds benefit from a bountiful buffet.

Not so for a summer bird feeder. There is an abundance of summer food (see image) for the birds, so no need to feed them. You could argue that you're doing it for the birds in the wintertime, but in the summer you're only doing it for yourself, not that there's anything wrong with being a tad selfish.

In this image, our feathered friend has a caterpillar and a mayfly in her beak. She's gathering groceries for the kiddies, otherwise she would have been eating the insects one at a time herself. Imagine the excitement when Mom brings back all these delicacies to the nest. It's kind of like when Wendy brings a big block of Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese from Italy and Julian gets all exci............ Okay, bad analogy. In any event, those insects look delicious.

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