Saturday, June 15, 2013

Planting Perennials...An Annual Event

Some people steal from others to fuel their cocaine habit. Some people beg on the streets to get money to buy their next swig of alcohol.

Hello, my name is Ian Varty and I have a gardening problem.

On the upside, Wendy earns an exceptional wage so I don't need to beg, borrow or steal to top up my topsoil or conspire to acquire spirea.

Quite frankly, there is no downside to my gardening habit other than dirty finger nails.

In the image provided, you can see my latest gardening project. I'm in the process of transforming a section of the eastern Varty compound, along the fence line, into a colourful shrub border. It should do two things for the property:

1) look gorgeous
2) provide more privacy for, and from, the neighbours. It's a win-win scenario.

It will take time. I suspect two to three years will be needed for this area to fill in, but I've got the time as far as I know. I ain't goin' nowhere.

Ooops, I just noticed that the small arrow in the centre of my image doesn't have a name attached to it. I've planted a dwarf Korean lilac there. It will be lilac coloured, while the other larger lilacs are going to be white, I think. There was some confusion on the labels that came with them. The wiegielia and the rhododendron will have reddish blossoms. Note: spell check doesn't like the word 'wiegielia'. It's suggesting that I use the word 'wiggle' instead. year I may have red flowering wiggles. Behold!

Behold indeed. The entire experience of gardening is extremely satisfying. Perhaps my years at NSAC were not for naught. Maybe I have a green thumb after all...and brown fingernails.

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