Sunday, June 16, 2013

Uncle Brent's Cabin

Our friend Brent, picture here, had a stroke a year and a half ago at the age of 38. He's now 40 and on the unpaved driveway to recovery. For the months of June and July he's living next door to us and we're enjoying his company.

Brent owns a small, rustic cabin about twenty minutes away from our place. The stroke has left him with some left side mobility issues, so living in his cabin this year is not a reasonable option.

I took Brent up to his cabin the other day. He hadn't seen it since his stroke. I think he may have been washed by a wave of nostalgia during his visit. There's no doubt that he experienced a sense of 'what was' but I believe that he also felt 'what will be'. The cabin represents the future and it's something to work towards. It's a step in the right direction...literally.

Brent is a director, so who better to guide those steps?

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