Thursday, March 6, 2014

Tingley's Tike At Loblaw's (Maple Leaf Gardens)

Feel free to interpret this image anyway that you like. Here's a few bonus interpretations:

1) Wendy, taking her youngest child shopping.

2) Ian Varty, basket case.

3) Wendy, desperately missing Julian, asks me to reenact that fateful day in Sussex when Julian's legs wouldn't fit into the cart's leg holes (though ultimately they did). Not wanting to disappoint her, I complied. Note: we did not attempt the leg hole dead lift.

4) Ian: man who no longer cares what he says or does in Toronto because everyone here is crazy and he just wants to appear 'normal'.

5) A literal interpretation of 'the vegetable department'.

6) Fit?

I could go on and on, but I think that you should draw your own conclusions. That said, I would like to give my actual reason for doing this; it's because.....

"I'm (the son of) Dorothy Gordon and I'm two years old."

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