Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Toronto...Even Better Than New York City!

All Canadians know that Toronto is the centre of the Canadian universe, but most refuse to admit it. All New Yorkers know that New York City is the centre of the actual universe, but people in Rio, London, Paris, Etobicoke and Oromocto refuse to admit it.

The sole purpose of this blog is not to pump up New York City, but to share the joy, excitement and curiosity of living in Toronto. As you must realize from yesterday's blog, Toronto has something for everyone, from gay nude yoga to Chewbacca roaring competitions.

We even have New York City in Toronto. Take a look at today's image....a movie set. Take a closer look at the yellow cab. On its door it says 'NYC Taxi'. The take-away from this scene, for me, is that Toronto is so amazing that it can be a substitute for New York City. A few lights, some make-up, et Voila!....we're New York City. We're not just a distant second to the Big Apple, Toronto is the closest neighbour to the centre of the universe, sort of like what Lincoln is to Oromocto but only if Oromocto was the centre of the universe, which it isn't.

Toronto has a thriving film industry happening within its walls, worth about a billion dollars to the local economy. Yesterday I walked past this scene on King Street East. The building you see in the image is the King Edward Hotel, though the door had been changed and was given a cursive logo that said 'SG', clearly in reference to whatever hotel was being portrayed, perhaps the Soho Grand. A few blocks away I spotted another movie set outside a church. When I walked to UofT last evening to gather up the missus, I passed yet another movie or television set. Typically they're easy to spot because there's a convoy of white tractor trailers which host everything from the actors to the make-up people to wardrobe to kitchens to toilets. The name of this movie or television show was 'Man Seeking Woman'. I'd never heard of it so I did some (exhaustive) research....

It's a Lorne Michaels' project for television. Here's a link if you care to find out more: Personally, I wouldn't follow the link unless you care about television shows that have plots that feel like Friends all over again. Most television shows are about unsuccessful daters, vampires or murder, this show being about the former. Personally I'd like to watch a show where all single vampires are murdered, then we could move on to something marginally more believable like The Nature Of Things.

I feel like I've gotten off track on this blog. It's supposed to be about Toronto...the alternate centre of the universe. It's about Toronto, the first runner up in the Miss Universe pageant.

"If the winner, for any reason, cannot fulfill her duties as Miss Universe, the 1st runner-up takes over."

It's just a matter of time before New York City falls into the Hudson River, or someone uncovers something unseemly from New York's sordid past, thus allowing Toronto to take over the crown. I'm waiting patiently for my moment in the sun. In the meantime I have the smug satisfaction of knowing that I own property on the outskirts of Oromocto, the second runner up after Toronto. 

Soon....the world will revolve around you, Ian. <spoken in the voice of The Rhino>


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