Friday, March 21, 2014

Wonder Where The Lyrics Are?

For the past two weeks I've been trying to learn the Bruce Cockburn song 'Wonder Where The Lions Are'. I haven't got it quite yet, but I am making progress. Though I may never be a musician, I do consider myself a gifted entertainer. It's a skill that I 'inherited' from Me Mootha.

P.S. I just noticed that the part of my video that is sped up does not include high speed should. Let me just go on record as stating unequivocally that Microsoft's Window's Live Movie Maker is a piece of crap. It's an embarrassment. I'm surprised that they would attach their name to it. There's no doubt why iMovie is so popular, just look at the 'competition'. It's non-existent. 

P.P.S. I could probably go back and try to fix it, but at this point I'm simply going to leave it 'as is' and get on with my life.

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