Saturday, August 23, 2014

Bar Harbor 2014

A well balanced rock star....rare!
Julian and I packed a lot of fun and hilarity into our 24 hour visit to Mount Desert Island (aka Bar Harbor, aka Acadia National Park). We hit all of our favourite spots (EPI Subs, Cadillac Mountain, Sand Beach, Seafood ketch Restaurant, the Hinckley Boat Company, Jordan's Restaurant, the Colonel's Bakery, Acadia Mountain, Park Loop Road, Seal Harbor, Sargent Drive, etc.). It felt good to be back!
Seal Harbor...good enough for Martha Stewart.

The harbor at Bar Harbor

Acadia Mountain...our first hike

Julian on Acadia Mountain

Ian at Sand Beach (lonely, but in love)

Tack shop terror...."look at this shit!"

Perhaps the cheapest motel in eastern North America...and we luckily found it!

Oops....just one bed but at least it was a queen size. Cozy!

Cadillac-luster athletes?

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