Sunday, August 31, 2014

When The Gales Of September Came Early...

The Godforsaken Sea
Who in the world would go to a Princess Auto store in British Columbia, buy an inflatable lounge chair, ship it to New Brunswick, take it to les Iles de la Madeleine, cast it into the surf....and then try to sit on it? Though I believe that Sean 'Batman' Boag was the 'brains' behind the operation, he was joined in the surf by Lisa 'Robin' Currer. They are a dynamic duo.

When I say 'dynamic' I really mean INSANE. Insane, in a good way. There is no challenge too great for them to contemplate and once they contemplate something, they act. They launched the inflatable lounge chair on a riled up beach known as Rivage, just downwind from the wreck of the Corfu. The inflatable chair with its indefatigable crew actually fared better than the crew of the Corfu....for a while. 

After about a half hour of enjoyable cruising, things took a turn for the worse. The good ship and crew, eventually, was in peril (no surprise there!). They might have split up or they might have capsized, they may have broke deep and took water. In fact, she did take on water and that was the end of her. She (the chair) washed up on the shore. The crew amazingly walked to safety in the angry, ankle deep Atlantic Ocean. 

The legend lives on.

Now you're a Baptist, Lisa!

The chair even has a fish finder.

Ed Grimley has a twin sister?!?

"This is better than the Disney tea cup ride."

The Edmund Fitzgerbils (outbound from the harbour)

"Now who's the Baptist, Sean? Arrrrr."

Qu'est qu'il se passe?

Wreck Beach?


  1. But Ian, you forgot to mention the 9' Mako...

    1. Yes. Two weeks ago a 9-foot 8-inch Mako shark was caught in the vicinity of the Rivage romp. That little shark's mother may have been quite angry, but that didn't deter Sean or Lisa. Nemo was very nervous.

    2. Gentle reader, what Ian neglects to mention is that neither Lisa nor Sean had put 2+2 together and realized that this was the site. Ignorance is... pie-ing revenge?

    3. I take a pie in the face, Lisa and/or Sean loses a limb to a shark. I'd call it even. Although....the shark's mother didn't show so they're still fully limberish. Hmmm. I think retribution is a dish un-served, but what to cook up?
