Sunday, August 24, 2014


You know how some people have a reaction to pollen, right? Some people have a violent reaction to peanuts too. Some simply recoil at the smell of cheese or egg salad sandwiches. Everyone has something that causes them to react or behave in a strange manner. For me, it's my friends Lisa and Sean. When they are physically in my presence, I tend to spasm (see video).

This video will mean little or nothing to most viewers, so a little background information might be helpful. Many years ago Sean and Lisa took a stuffed Nemo toy and tucked it into my roof-rack mounted windsurfer bag. Nemo's sad little face was poking out. I drove all across les Iles de la Madeleine with Nemo eyeballing traffic behind my car. Lisa and Sean were delighted by their cunning little prank.

Over the years Nemo has appeared here and there, often at the strangest of time and place. Eventually one of Nemo's eyeballs came loose and then the gag became one to hide Nemo's eye. Sadly Nemo's eyeball was lost so now we're down to using makeshift eyeballs as you will see in today's video. My house was booby-trapped yesterday with a number of surrogate Nemo eyeballs, one of which I almost ate.

One can never rest when Sean and Lisa are around. They, as a couple, are the second most talented pranksters in the room.

And who is the number one ranked prankster, Ian?

I'm not prepared to answer that question right now, other than to say that actions speak louder than words. Stay tuned.

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