Sunday, August 17, 2014

Road Rage 3: The Feet Of Angels

Crazy Dave Cuthbertson was back yesterday and looking for yet another re-match against Julian. We decided to change the One Mile Challenge to make it more simple, and this change seemed to pay dividends for Crazy Dave.

We moved the course from Cambridge-Narrows to the Lower Jemseg Flats (the road to the Gagetown ferry). We used the Official Pace Car of the Road Rage Runs (our blue Ford Focus wagon) to pace off one mile, then the gun went off and the lads were running.

Did I mention Crazy Dave's secret weapon? New sneakers! He bought himself a brand spanking new pair of shiny blue Asics (to match the Focus wagon??). It would appear that these new sneakers gave Dave an advantage....the feet of an angel. Dave ran the mile in 6 minutes, 44 seconds taking a whopping 42 seconds off his last personal best 21 century time. That's Crazy! Julian crossed the line in his usual time, though it's worth mentioning that he was not on his game yesterday.

Julian is justifiably worried by Dave's angel-footed performance. If Dave ran a 6:44 mile after only three runs, what will the future bring? Dave might be able to shatter the 6 minute mile with some practice. All the pressure has switched from Dave to Julian. It'll be interesting to see what Road Rage 4 looks like, because Road Rage 3 was a shocker.

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