Monday, August 4, 2014

Road Runner, The Cuthbertson Is After You (if he catches you, you're through)

Completely out of the blue, my friend Crazy Dave Cuthbertson challenged Julian to a running race yesterday. It was an interesting challenge. Julian, 22 years old, had just come out of a week-long cold which left him feeling weak. Dave, 42, who probably hasn't gone for a sober run in twenty years, was wearing hiking sneakers and no socks when he issued the challenge.

Julian, though not on his game physically due to the cold, couldn't resist the challenge. Now, I won't spoil the ending by telling you who won, but let's just say that both runners put in a very impressive performance. One ran the mile in 7 minutes, 10 seconds. The other...7 minutes, 30 seconds. They were neck and neck until the last thousand feet when one of the runners kicked in the afterburners for a last minute sprint. I filmed the event from the comfort of a bicycle since there was no way I could run with them.

Click on today's image to watch the race video.

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