Friday, August 29, 2014

The Ultimate UWM (Ultimate Windsurfing Mobile)

The romantic fool in me wants to buy this RV and turn it into the Ultimate Windsurfing Mobile. It's already 90% of the way there because it has over-the-top style and its zesty lemon outer shell is irresistible to my eye. Its commodious body would hold a coffee maker and all my windsurfing gear. The most important fact....Wendy likes it!

Now, it goes without saying that we won't buy it because it would be a pig on gas, but it's a delicious exercise in unbridled imagination. I need a vehicle that can handle all my gear for my wind pilgrimages to les Iles de la Madeleine, yet get me to and from Fredericton regularly.

Sadly, being a fuel efficiency devotee, I must find an UWM that's good on gas for those non-windsurfing commutes. What I really need is a FEDUP (fuel efficient, dual-utility provider) but I'm tired of looking because no one makes one. That's why I'm looking at outrageous RVs. Gawd, the one in today's picture is a classic. Maybe in another life?

The poor thing is just sitting in a field, being neglected. I could fit it right into my boathouse and work on it. Guests visiting us could sleep in it. It would be cheaper than building a wing with aspare bedroom onto the house. Oh, no, I think I've just talked myself into buying it except....

It's not for sale. Whew!

Or is it?

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