Thursday, August 7, 2014

Osprey Prey

For the past four or five days I've had an osprey sitting in my pine tree. It's been diving into the lake, nabbing fish, then bringing them back to the pine tree and devouring them. Life is good...for both of us.

Osprey fly back and forth across the lake and along the shore all spring and summer, but having them land in my trees is new. It makes me wonder 'why now'? I have a theory, because I have a theory about everything....

The Theory: the osprey's appearance on my property coincides with my bad neighbours being away (my presumptions: either on a vacation, receiving medical treatment, or attending a ten day hair dyeing workshop). I wonder if the absence of them, and their brainless (and yappy) dog, makes our neighbourhood a more pleasant place to live. Aw, shucks, I'm just projecting my feelings onto the osprey. I'll be curious to see, now that the Voldemorons are back, if the osprey continues to visit my trees. Stay tuned.

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