Friday, August 8, 2014

The Emasculation Of Icons

We humans have a propensity toward taking things that are giant, bold and/or dangerous, and making them cute or manageable. There are countless examples, so let's look at a few.

The polar bear, a blood thirsty carnivore that would rip you to shreds with impunity, now likes to wear sunglasses and drink Coke. Soon he'll have 'the o-be-dees' (diabetes) from all that unhealthy sugar water.

The brown bear, an impressive omnivore, is now morbidly obese from eating teen burgers at A&W. He likes to wear an orange sweater with matching tam. He calls himself 'the Root Bear'. Time to hibernate permanently, I say, or at the very least order the salad at the drive-thru.

The Dodge Ram truck has for a icon a big-horn sheep. You'll see little big-horn sheep statuettes mounted on the front of tough guys' truck hoods. Most of these guys have never seen a big horn sheep, and you know damn well if they butted bumpers with another 'Ram tough' truck their air bags would inflate into large fluffy pillows.and everyone would be just fine. Later they'd all meet at a country bar for a Bud Light. The place would be crawling with tractor driving, super-models, needless to say.

Today's image shows a lighthouse that may well have saved the lives of countless sailors. The one pictured at left stands on the shore of the big lake we call Gitche Gumee. It's been battered by storms for decades yet it stands tall and proud. The image to the right is also of a lighthouse, though it has been greatly reduced in stature and importance. It's now a cutesy bird feeder that I spotted in a Cambridge-Narrows backyard. I'm not sure if it's intended to attract puffins or gannets (given the nature of its design) or simply meant for pigeons.

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