Wednesday, August 6, 2014

My $200 Wheelbarrow

You may remember a few weeks back that Riverview Ford Lincoln offered me $200 for my car as a trade in. I'm still laughing over that incident. I'm laughing all the way to the bank, mostly because I'm still driving my car and it works perfectly fine.


More than fine. In the weeks since our trade in debacle, I've started using my car as a wheelbarrow. Or perhaps as a Ford F-150 truck. Or perhaps as a dump truck. I've been building rock walls on my property lately and I've been using my car to haul the rocks. I would guess that I fill the back of the car with about 600-800 pounds of rocks. I've made over 20 trips to the rock quarry.

My $200 car is a rock star! I've always been impressed by my Ford Focus wagons, but now I've taken it to a whole new level, or in gravel pit terms, a hole new level. It's an abusive relationship, no question, because these cars were designed to carry small children, a puppy and three bags of groceries. I fully expect the car to disintegrate one of these days, but for now I'm feeling pretty smug. It's the best $200 I never spent!

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