Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A Canadian Heritage Moment: The Inukshuk

"Now the people will know we were here."


I don't know if you remember the Canadian Heritage Moment vignette where the RCMP officer with a gimp foot wonders out loud why his Inuit comrades busied themselves building a pile of rocks rather than planning his salvation from the frozen north...but I do.

Here's the link, but there's no real need to watch it...
I only mention it to justify today's image.

I left my Mom's nursing home today knowing that I won't see her for three months. It's not a particularly good feeling, but I have to live my other life. Life is just a windowless warehouse full of smoke, mirrors and compromises anyway, and there's nothing any of us can do to change it. When there are no more compromises, there ain't no more life. Poof.

Before I left the nursing home I piled up some of Mom's 'toys' on her bed. I don't know why I did it other than to give Mom, or more likely the nurses, a smile. Maybe deep down I was trying to tell 'the people' that I was there. Maybe it's so I can find my way back.

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