Saturday, January 25, 2014

Meet Dongyang?

In the winter of 1949, B.B.King played at a dance hall in Twist, Arkansas. In order to heat the hall, a barrel half-filled with kerosene was lit, a fairly common practice at the time. During a performance, two men began to fight, knocking over the burning barrel and sending burning fuel across the floor. The hall burst into flames, which triggered an evacuation. Once outside, King realized that he had left his guitar inside the burning building. He entered the blaze to retrieve his beloved $30 Gibson guitar. Two people died in the fire. The next day, King learned that the two men were fighting over a woman named Lucille. King named that first guitar Lucille, as well as every one he owned since that near-fatal experience, as a reminder never again to do something as stupid as run into a burning building or fight over women (from Wikipedia).

I bought a new-to-me guitar this week and it occurred to me that I should give it a name. I didn't have any 'Lucille moments' while finding this guitar, so the choice is not obvious. The front runner in my mind is to call my new Martin OM-1 Dongyang. I bought the guitar on Kijiji from a Chinese Canadian chap called Dongyang. If nothing else, it's a one of a kind name to my ears. That said, perhaps there are 50 000 Dongyangs in Jiangxi Province alone. Also, the thought of 'strumming my Dongyang' doesn't really work for me.

I could call the guitar Martin or Marty, but that seems too obvious. I'll bet every spotty faced John Denver wannabe has thought of that, so bye-bye Marty.

Hmmmm....Martin. Hmmmm....B.B.King. Martin King. Martin _____ King.

Wait for it...I smell smoke, not unlike B.B.King, and where there's smoke, there's fire!

(insert emoticon light bulb in 3....2......1......) Luther!

Hear ye, hear ye...I christen my new guitar Luther. This is even more apt because a 'luthier' is a guitar maker. Rearrange the letters and you get 'I Luther' or is it 'e Luthir'?

So goodbye Dongyang, thanks for selling me your guitar. I'm loving it. Luther!

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