Monday, January 27, 2014

Are You Seated Comfortably? Then We'll Begin...

something yellow and comfortable is all we wanted
Today Wendy and I will be Ed Hillary and Tenzing Norgay on top of Everest. We will be Wilbur and Orville in flight. We will be Lewis and Clark 'discovering' the perfect windsurfing location on the Columbia River. We will be Jesus and Wayne Gretzky, walking on water. We will be Kirk and Spock at the end of our five year mission, but still in love with each other.

So what is happening today that is so monumental? Well, we're having our last pieces of condo furniture delivered. Is shopping for furniture in Toronto easy? "Tthhis his nutthhin", to quote Flick, might have been our initial response to the question as there's an abundance of selection. Buying is easy, but trying to get stuff made and delivered on time has proven to be more than nuthin. I'll never forget how difficult it was for the Hudson's Bay Company to deliver our bed. "How can we sleep while our beds are burning" at 120 Homewood North York!

Today we're expecting the arrival of a nice yellow chair, and orange sofa and an orange ottoman. They were ordered during the first week of November and were to be delivered at the end of November. It is now late January. Tick tock tick tock.

The Rolling Stones sang 'you can't always get what you want'. Gun n' Roses told us "all we need is just a little patience". I'm pretty sure they were singing about girls, and not furniture. No one ever sings about furniture.

Hold on a minute, sunshine. There's a web site devoted to furniture songs. Here's the link:

I stand corrected, but I sit on furniture...finally!


  1. Looking forward to the photos—IF the furniture is actually delivered!

    1. Amazingly, the furniture arrived. Still need to do some 'accessorizing' though. That's how 'we designers' talk!
