Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Icy, I see.

 This is Canada and those who either choose to live her, or were born here, like to do only three things:

1) talk about the weather.
2) watch or play hockey.
3) visit Tim Horton's.

Today's blog proves that I'm only 33.33% Canadian.

We've had quite a winter so far, to say the least. Tons of snow, freezing rain, super sub-zero temperatures, and yesterday....rain.

We had a one day mega meltdown. The lake now looks like a rink (hockey!). It will be skate-worthy, no question about that. Unfortunately the cold temperatures have returned after our one day reprieve, so after skating a person would need a nice hot coffee (Tim's!).

Amazingly, there is a tiny patch of open water in front of my place. Anyone playing hockey (not me) better take a few pucks with them...or one puck and a snorkel.

Back on terra-firma I noticed that my driveway looked a bit icy. Sadly it's not smooth enough to go sliding on, otherwise I wouldn't be wasting my time (just yours) with this blog. I'd be on the GT Sno-racer attaining supersonic speeds and dodging ice bergs. Twas not meant to be, or Die Another Day in Bondian terms.

My backyard, once a playground, is now a disaster. It's an icy, crusty wasteland. There's not much a person can do, so I might as well stay inside, watch hockey and drink Timmies.

Auch nae, I'm ga'in ta tewn to see me Mootha. And me Faetha.

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