Thursday, January 22, 2015

94.5 FM - The Fisher

I received an e-mail from one of my pseudo-loyal blog readers with some feedback regarding my recent blog posting about radio stations with stupid names (remember The Fox?). Though I know the identity of the blog reader, I shall use the pseudonym that he utilized, and that was "award winning former broadcast journalist D.J. Blathers."

So, thank you D.J.Blathers for your insightful commentary. Here, dear readers, is what D.J. wrote:

How about 94.5, The Fisher?   I like it because the fisher is an under appreciated animal (they kill porcupines, after all), and because it is a homonym of a painful anorectal condition, one which feels much like listening to most commercial radio stations.

Succinctly stated, and I can't argue with the facts as presented. Ironically, I wasn't sure whether he was kidding or not when he mentioned 94.5 The Fisher. Radio stations come up with some idiotic names, so The Fisher was not completely unbelievable. As it turned out, it was a ficticious station. <sigh>.

As I was researching 94.5, I did find stations that air (err) under the names: the Moose (it's a country station and they wouldn't know any better, so they're exempt from my scorn), the Lake, the Beat, the Buzz, the Beat, Jack (of which/whom they do not know), Boom, Mix, Star, Kiss, the Coast, Kool FM, el Patron, Kats, the Ranch and finally the Bull.

The Bull sums it up, at least halfways.

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