Wednesday, January 28, 2015

RIP - The Little Lap Devil

Computer companies, at least Hewlett Packard, have the strange habit of asking you to name your computer when you first set it up. I never thought a traditional name sounded quite right, thus my computers were never called Ben, Caroline, Mark or Nicholas.

I remember naming my first desktop computer 'the devil box'. When I bought my first laptop computer I named it 'the lap devil'. When I bought a notebook computer, the one you see in today's image, I named it 'the little lap devil'.

It is with some sadness that I announce the passing of 'the little lap devil'. Everything seemed fine yesterday with the little lap devil. I was using it like I normally would. I put it down on the bed and it went to sleep. Later I tried to rouse it and it was gone. I guess it died in its sleep, you might say.

You see in today's image that the little lap devil is in a cemetery. This is just a fictional representation. My real plan is to take the little lap devil back to New Brunswick and slip it into one of my many rock walls. It'll fit like a charm...same shape as many of the rocks already in the wall, and almost as useful. In the future I'll challenge my guests to find the little lap devil in the wall. There will be prizes for those who find it.

What will the prize be?

A small bag of chips.

How small?


Ahh...micro chips. How fitting.

As an aside, I have a little tidbit of computer history regarding names. Did you ever wonder why the computer company Hewlett-Packard was called Hewlett-Packard and not Packard-Hewlett? Of course you didn't, you all own Apples and you're all rotten to the core. The fact is that the two founders of the company flipped a coin. Hewlett said heads, and that's today's tale.

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