Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Can I Writ A Blog Without Th Lttr Found Btwn D and F? With As!

I took this pictur back in Dcmbr knowing that on day I'd us it. I didn't know how I'd us it, but it was just too juicy to pass up. I found this strt sign in Toronto's Lslivill nighbourhood, and was intrigud.

What is a Blong? Or what is it to Blong? I drov down Wikipdia Avnu and found a dad nd. It suggstd that Blong might b a contractd vrsion of 'blong' but Wikipdia was vry non-committal.

On Googl I found an actrss calld Jnni Blong. You might rmmbr hr from such films as 200 Cigartts and Cry-Baby. No? I didn't s thos movis ithr.

I guss th fact of th mattr is that I hav no ida how Blong Avnu got its nam. Lik many things in Toronto, it just is, for no apparnt rason. How, for xampl, did Yong Strt gt its nam? This tim Wikipdia dlivrd....

Th strt was namd by Ontario's first colonial administrator, John Gravs Simco, for his frind Sir Gorg Yong, an xprt on ancint Roman roads.

Gorg Yong was a roads scholar, I suppos.

Ian, you'r rambling. You'd bttr nd this blog now or you'll los your radrship of fiv.

So, radership of fiv, how do you lik lif without th lttr btwn D and F? Annoyd or amusd?

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