Friday, January 30, 2015

A Sticky Situation - Part Deux

This is a heartless expression which is also untrue (except for the line about becoming Premier)....

Those who can't do, teach.
Those who can't teach, teach phys.ed.
Those who can't teach phys.ed. become Premier and ruin the province.
Those who can't do any of the above, blog.

Yesterday I wrote about Douglas Coupland, artist. Why should I write about an artist when I really want to be the artist? Today's video is step #1 in my metamorphosis. It's a small step.


  1. Once I've graduated from gumming my way through baby art and starting growing teeth, maybe I'll attempt a toddler-esque sculpture out of play-doh! Don't laugh...Coupland had created 'art' from Lego. That may be step #3 for me.
