Wednesday, January 14, 2015

An Oasis Of Memories

I was tidying up around the house yesterday, trying to be productive amid another cold snap that had me pinned indoors. I stumbled upon a photo album of Julian's and decided to stroll through the pages. Needless to say, there were images of Julian and his grandmother having fun. Those moments were well documented on film, video, and print from year one of Julian's life through year twenty-two.

I decided to photograph one of the photographs and re-print it for today's blog. I think this image was taken on the top of Cadillac Mountain on Mount Desert Island (Maine).

I like this picture. Mom looks proud and happy. Julian looks pretty content too. And how about those sunglasses? As I was looking at this picture, I was struck by a feeling that Julian reminded me of someone. There was something about the hair, the sunglasses and the coat that gave him a bit of a rock star look, and not just any rock star.....a British rock star!

I ran through a mental list of all the British rock stars that I could remember. Julian certainly didn't look like Keith Richards, though we know he has that ability now! There's no Pete Townsend resemblance there. Julian often claims that he looks like Elton John. Not in this picture (well, maybe just a bit...the Eltonian gap), and then it hit me.,,,,


There was a band from England that went by the name of Oasis. They met with some success in the 1990s and less so afterwards. Their lead guitarist and co-singer was a guy by the name of Noel Gallagher. I had an image in my mind of Gallagher, and I had all but convinced that Julian resembled him. Not one to stay in 'dream state mode' for any length of time, I consulted Google Images for a snap of Noel's mug. Here's what I found....

So.....what do you think? Am I crazy, or am I having (yet another) moment of divine clarity?


  1. Stop adding whatever you add in your porridge in the morning Ian, it doesn't agree with you.

  2. Those would be my 'raisins d' ĂȘtre.
