Monday, January 19, 2015

Bounce The Foxers

I've made plenty of mistakes in my life and one of the most glaring is to listen to New Brunswick's radio stations (CBC excluded). There's nothing wrong with New Brunswick's radio stations, per say, they simply don't appeal to 'me lugs'.

I remember snapping the radio on a number of years ago and all I heard was someone talking about 'the Fox'. At first I got quite excited, thinking that there was a radio station that only talked about Megan Fox (an attractive young actress perennially overlooked at Oscar time). In fact it was the radio station that called itself 'the Fox'. At the time I thought to myself 'what a stupid name for a radio station'. Nothing much has changed.

I wondered how and why they named the radio station 'the Fox'. It turned out that they were acting more like a cat.

Yea, a copy cat. Or a Kopy Kat, since they're airing their carbon dioxide in Harvey Station.

Do you think that Fredericton's 'the Fox' has ever had an original thought?

Not sure. There are radio stations in Virginia, El Paso, Fairfield County, Brazos Valley, Charlotte, Kansas City, and Jonesboro....all called The Fox. And this is just to name a few!

Yesterday I foolishly pressed 'seek' on 'The Dumbo's' radio. The Dumbo is my car's name, by the way. The dial stopped at 101.3 which, apparently, is now a station called 'The Bounce'. "The Bounce!?!" I said aloud with tones of incredulity. I often speak to myself while in the car. I guess I like the sound of my own voice, or the fact that nothing has legs until you shout it, shout it, shout it out loud. Or write about it.

The Bounce? What a stupid name! 

"That'll never stick", I said with a pseudo-clever little nod to an similarly named fabric softener. It'll never cling in the minds of the listeners (though it probably will because there won't be much competition).

After I settled down a bit I started wondering 'where did they steal that name', quite convinced that it couldn't be original. I did some sly (like a fox) sleuthing on the internet. I did find one other station called The Bounce, in Edmonton. In fairness to Saint John's The Bounce, these two radio stations were sister stations (from the same litter, one might say) until the Edmonton station was sold to Rogers Communication. Saint John's The Bounce is part of the Bell Media oligopoly.

It's one thing to whine about stuff, it's another to try and make the world a better place, Ian. Got any better suggestions for radio station cutesy names?

As a matter of fact I do. How about 101.3 'The Hindenburg'? It'll stay in the air for a while but eventually will come crashing down. Or perhaps 91.7 'The Stupid Chameleon'. It'll keep changing it's colours (tune) until someone notices it. How about 102.1 'The Dyson'. It sucks, more than most.

How about 106.5 'The Blog'? Only five people make it to the end of the broadcast!

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