Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Beyond Ugly There's Fugly

Yesterday was an ugly day. It was raining, for one thing, as I drove The Dumbo into Fredericton. The radio was on, not tuned to 'The Bounce' I must point out. I was listening to CBC while Terry O'Reilly's program Under The Influence was being aired. I enjoy this show. Do you ken it?

Under The Influence examines the world of marketing and advertising with a decidedly pop culture spin. It's a program that's accessible to everyone, not just Madison Avenue ad execs. Hmmm, does Canada have a place that's equivalent to Madison Avenue? Not that I know.

Anyways....the name given to this week's show was 'Selling Ugly'. It was really interesting. It told the tale of the marketing of some of the world's ugliest products that went on to become success stories. If you're like me then you're probably tired with all the hoopla about selling beauty (remembering that Gwyneth Paltrow was likely wrong about everything). If you haven't got enough ugly in your life, then you can listen to this show (or read the transcript) at this link: http://www.cbc.ca/radio/undertheinfluence/selling-ugly-1.2912698

Yesterday I decided to embrace ugly because it was all around me, especially in my rearview mirror. I parked The Dumbo and went into Winner's to purchase a piece of carry-on luggage. I could have opted for a basic black suitcase that was $20 less expensive than the ugly duckling you see in today's image, but I didn't. I bought the uglier of the two.

So, let's celebrate ugly together. Put on your Crocs, your Birkenstocks or your Uggs and wear them with pride! Did you ever wonder how Ugg boots got their name? You'll find out....when you're Under The Influence.

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