Saturday, January 3, 2015

Dual Noggins Are More Advantageous Than A Singular Unit

If you've ever slept on a boat with five strangers as I once did for a week, you'll know that two heads are better than one. A 'head', in nautical terms, is the area where one does one's's the toilet. Sadly the C&C 41 on which I was sailing had only one head, but sailing around St.Barth's, St.Martin, Anguilla and the British Virgin Islands certainly diminished the suffering 'below'.

Today's blog is about two heads, if the image didn't give it away. Two heads brings to mind Wendy. Better to have two heads than two tongues or two faces, eh? As of January 2015, Wendy is now the acting Head Of Voice for the University of Toronto's Music Faculty. It 's a new appointment. She continues to be the Head Vocal Consultant for the Canadian Opera Company as well.

Heady stuff, wouldn't you say?

Congratulations, Wendy. I have no doubt that you'll do a marvelous job...and I am proud of all of your accomplishments. You will absolutely glow in this new position, and I will help. Jeez, I'm getting all choked up with emotion.

You look red in the face, Ian. Are you feeling okay?

I'm fine. I'm just a little flush (comparatively).

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