Saturday, January 10, 2015

The 15th Round

My Mom is dying. We're all dying, I suppose, but my Mom is closer to death than any of us. She has entered the final few days of her life. It's the 15th round for this beautiful prize fighter. I'd like to say that Alzheimer's wasn't the winner.

Last evening I took my guitar down to the nursing home and played some quiet songs for her. I don't know if the music was therapeutic for Mom as she was quite sleepy, but it certainly was for me. Finger-style guitar has a soothing quality, even when played at my level.

I was happy to play the guitar because it felt right for the moment. I'm not sure I'd know what to say to Mom at this point. Everything of importance has already been said. I spent my life showing her that I loved her, through my words and my actions (except that time I 'fired' her for selling my greenhouse tomatoes to her friends at the Boyce Market at a discount). I've never claimed to be the perfect son, but I tried. Mom's friends appreciated the inexpensive tomatoes, I'm sure. She was kind to everyone, except one notable television weather woman and Charles' Camilla (it was the Alzheimer's talking, though I'm not certain about that)

Are there lessons to be learned during these last few days? Probably. If you've got something to say to someone....say it. Don't wait. If there's something you want to do for it. Don't wait. Thankfully  I can sit quietly with my Mom now, just holding her hand. It's enough for both of us.

On Thursday, Mom was able to give me a small smile as words were no longer possible. It's quite possibly the last loving act that she'll ever do for me. I am a lucky man, even at times like these.


  1. Peace - for all of you - especially for your Moother.

  2. Thanks to my friends who read today's blog and/or commented. We're really just one big family, aren't we?

  3. Surprisingly (or, maybe not) we really are. Our condolences to your father, and your family.
