Sunday, January 18, 2015

The Dwight Stuff

Last week I posted a blog under the title of 'An Oasis Of Memories'. In this blog I compared the look of young Julian to Oasis frontman Noel Gallagher. I provided 'dear reader' with graphic evidence to back up my claim. I did, however, make one tactical error. I made the off-handed comment that Julian believes that he looks like Elton John. One of my more astute readers, who shall remain nameless to protect his/her identity, provided evidence to substantiate Julian's claim.

The unnamed reader will be given a pseudonym for the purpose of telling the story, and that pseudonym is Dr.Thug. I spoke to Dr.Thug a day or two after my blog post appeared. He said to me that the picture of young Julian did in fact remind him of Elton John, more so than Noel Gallagher. A day later he sent me an image with the message "I rest my case". He's got a compelling argument. Let's take a look at the image that he provided (which I manipulated with Photoshop for comparative purposes)....

I'm afraid that Dr.Thug was right! There is a shocking resemblance!!

In a slightly bizarre twist, I'm now looking at Elton and he reminds me of someone other than Julian (someone I used to play volleyball with at the Cambridge-Narrows School). Now I'm starting to wonder if everyone in the world has a twin? What do you think, dear reader, do you have a twin out there? Should I write a blog about would be twins....with graphic evidence? Could be fun!

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