Thursday, January 15, 2015

Is Your GP Wrong About Everything?

Yesterday I decided to fix a longstanding issue that I've been having with one of my older laptops. I decided that I'd better get tough with RAM, and add some to my problematic little lap devil. I went to Future Shop, Staples and Radio Shack (I just can't bring myself to call it The Source).

Three strikes and your out. No one had what I needed. The Radio Shack guy very kindly suggested that I try Thrift King Computers on Prospect Street. He even called them for me, and they may have what I need. Three cheers for Radio Shack for being helpful when they didn't have to be...a pleasant surprise in a world of indifferent sales clerks.

The big 'shocker' for me was that there was a computer place on Fredericton's main commercial street of which I wasn't aware. I don't claim to be omniscient, but I've probably gone by this computer place a ninety-three and a half times unwittingly. Signage matters....and it's good for business. I hope the owners of this computer store are reading my blog. Of course they are not. For shame!

All of this reminded me of a radio interview I heard yesterday on CBC's The Current. A Canadian academic has written a book called 'Is Gwyneth Paltrow Wrong About Everything? It's all about the disconnect between celebrity culture and science (i.e. the products and concepts they promote versus the hard facts of science).

I don't care much for celebrity culture, but I do love marketing. The author of this book, Timothy Caulfield, and his publisher has hit a home run with the title and look of this book. Based on what I heard from the interview yesterday, the author has a compelling tale to tell.

Will you read the book, Ian?

Not a chance because I'm not a victim of the latest fad diets, de-toxes and (at the risk of offending someone close to me) the miracle of essential oils. The scientific facts show that eating a healthy, balanced diet is pretty much all you need. Plus exercise. No surprise there.

It's funny that I have no interest in Gwyneth Paltrow yet she creeps into my life constantly. I've even been to her web site before, at the request of a friend. I desperately need help with my computer yet I struggle to find someone who can help me (Gwyneth doesn't consult on computer issues, does she?).

In a perfect world, Gwyneth Paltrow would tell me where to get my computer serviced in Fredericton, or Thrift King would get a better roadside sign. I'm starting to get stressed with all of this...I think I'd better go detoxify myself. This brings me to the best quote from the CBC interview. The host asked about the best way to detoxify your body. The answer: peeing was number one. There was also a number two answer which I can't remember. We'll just call it number two. Based on the findings of this author's research, it would appear that Gwyneth is full of number two.

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