Saturday, January 31, 2015

Can Ye Guess Today's Cryptic Puzzle?

Every Saturday morning I acquire the Globe & Mail. I buy it solely for the Cryptic Crossword. Wendy, on the other hand, absorbs everything that is written from the front cover to the back page. She doesn't do the crossword or the Sukoku. I believe this is one of the reasons that we have a successful marriage. We know our own turf.

I love the Cryptic Crossword. It absolutely busts my brains, every week. This morning I've decided to create my own version of a cryptic clue. Unlike what appears in the Globe and Mail, my cryptic is visual. If you look at the three images above and then combine the words you'll end up with one larger word. The word is someone's last name, and it's a name that appears in the tabloids with great frequency.

Sure, this morning's blog is a dollop of fluff. It has the nutritional value of a marshmallow...without any hint of sweetness. Note to my Dad: don't feel badly if you can't figure this one out. In fact, I'd admire you even more if you can't!


  1. OK, should I be bothered that himself got this without even looking at it? Scary. Hate to think that's some indication of the success of our marriage - although, we'd both devour it front to back and neither do the puzzles. Thanks for the early morning laugh.

    1. Thanks for not spilling the beans by divulging the answer!

  2. i got it i got it i got it!! first time i've ever gotten a cryptic clue!
