Thursday, October 9, 2014

A Rocky Relationship For this Fundy Mentalist

If I was married to Environment Canada (or their wind forecasts), then my marriage would be on the rocks. Env.Canada are divorced from reality. Separated from the (less than) blustery facts. Forecasting wind inaccurately is monkey business, and there must be an office full of suit wearing , isobar reading chimps somewhere. Men shouldn't marry monkeys.

I have loaded all of my windsurfing gear into my Windmobile and driven to Saint John four times this year. Three of the forecasts called for winds of 30-50 km/h. One forecast beckoned me with promises of winds of 40-60 km/h. Of those four very promising wind forecasts, only the 40-60 delivered. So, three times I drove to Saint John for a 30-50 forecast, including yesterday (Bay of Fundy), and three times I GOT SKUNKED! My batting average is .250 in Saint John. In what other sport could you have such poor results? The only one I can think of is salmon fishing.

I. Must. Be. An. Idiot.

And not the Village variety. A real one!

When Environment Canada gives you lemons, you sell them. Then you buy a baseball bat and try to improve your average.

I've been so utterly disappointed with this year's wind (and forecasts) that I wasn't even angry yesterday. I've actually come to expect that the wind will not happen, even when forecast. I'm at the point now where I laugh at my windless blue days.

Next stop....the Bay of broken dreams. All aboard!

Hear ye, hear ye....let it be known that 2014 was the worst windsurfing season ever in my 25 years of windsurfing.The far. July was the only good month this year. The spring winds didn't happen. August was totally cancelled, and the fall has fallen flat. But, there is much to be happy about....

Rocks! And cruise ships full of people from Iowa buying over-priced maple syrup in the port of Saint John. I should have been posting images of massive windsurfing jumps and a rabid sea, frothing and white. Instead, the rocks of Saints Rest Beach and a boat full of people smart enough to not be in this place anymore (albeit with over-priced maple syrup)....

I think this ship was the Glutton Of The Seas, but I'm not 100% sure.

Barnacles have more fun than New Brunswick windsurfers.

The Bay of Fundy's colourful and inviting coast.

Saint John: full of strange rocks and people.

I thought this rock looked very Lawren Harris.

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