Monday, October 27, 2014

Q Is For Curious

I'm on record for saying that I'd 'fight to the death to save the CBC'. The only arms I'd ever use in this battle would be the ones connected to the hands that would write the letters. It would be a war of words, and we all know that words are made of letters. Letters like the one between P and R.

Last  night before going to bed I read on-line, ironically on, that Jian Ghomeshi was fired by CBC. Anyone can be fired, even the supremely talented. I was disheartened to read the headline, but curious to know what led to such an event. After reading the article I was even more confused. It sounded like Mr.Ghomeshi was fired for the possible repercussions from bedroom 'antics', though that's not much more that my clouded gleaning.

The plot thickened....

Moments later I read that Mr.Ghomeshi is suing CBC for $50 million. Breach of confidence and bad faith will be contested.

I gave up television about 9 years ago because I found it too depressing. Now it feels like the heart of CBC Radio has been ripped from its chest. I'd sigh, if I had a heart with enough strength to rise up and allow me to exhale a long and slow breath. I expended my last scream against my computer last week. Si.....

I hope for Mr.Ghomeshi's sake that he is innocent of the things for which he has been fired. Or, better yet, that the reason for his firing is ultimately proven to be none of his employer's business and that life will return to what's left of normal at the CBC. It's all very depressing to me but, rest assured, we have not heard the last of this.

For the record, I view the CBC as continuing education for all Canadians who are intelligent enough to realize it. Sadly, I do not count Stephen Harper among the enlightened but, in his defence, he probably has no idea how great CBC was, or is. He is a busy man and not involved in this current fiasco, Wright?

I have a great deal of free time and I often tune in to CBC not knowing what I'm going to hear. I've heard life altering stories on CBC that have appeared out of the higher blue ether. I've had my mind massaged, and sometimes even changed by what I've heard. I feel like I'm successfully attempting to complete a never ending Master's degree at every subject.

But for today and perhaps beyond, one of my, no, one of our classes has been dismissed, maybe even wrongfully(?). Sigh....

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