Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Mootha Is Back (and so is the Big Boy)

When you go somewhere, anywhere, there's always the fear that things won't be the same upon your return. While I was in Toronto for 11 days, me Mootha spent some time in the DECH as a result of dehydration. The dehydration was on account of a bladder infection as well as a salivary gland infection. She was sleeping most of the time, and not eating or drinking sufficient quantities to stay healthy. IV to the rescue. IV was intravenous liquids, by the way, not Ian Varty. It was more like DV to the rescue....Doug Varty. Doug saw that she was in trouble and he got the ball rolling to get her the help she needed.

I arrived home from Toronto yesterday at suppertime. I assumed that I'd find Mom asleep if I went to the nursing home at 6 p.m. but, in fact, she was wide awake. I decided to deliver a little gift to her from Julian which you'll see on the video. Her reaction was classic.

Are things the same as when I left? I'm not sure but I am happy to see that Mootha is still playful. She chatted and made the odd joke, many funny faces, until bedtime at 7:30 p.m. She wasn't an evening owl when I left 11 days ago. On most days she's fast asleep by 6 p.m., so indeed things have changed.

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