Saturday, October 18, 2014

Okay, So I Just Won The Lottery....Will I Keep The Ford Focus Wagon?

I have not won the lottery but if I did, what would I drive? Likely a Volvo wagon though I'm still concerned with fuel efficiency, so I might struggle with even a much beloved XC70 Volvo. Maybe I'd buy one like Kersey's as they're quite nice and more practical. If fuel efficiency, the condition of our roads, and money were no object, then I've always thought a McLaren would be nice. Until yesterday, I had never seen one in my fleeting 51 year experience on the little blue dot.

I was walking through the University of Toronto's campus yesterday when I spotted something so exotic that it stopped me in my sneakers. It was the car that you see in today's image, a McLaren 650S. It's worth noting that this car was not parked anywhere near the Edward Johnson Faculty of Music building. My guess is that it was being driven by a student, not a prof. It was parked in front of a squarish white Asian food truck, making it look all that much more desirable.

I have a rule of thumb not to ever show myself drooling over a sports car, that's the domain of teenage boys. Seriously, watch them when a Ferrari or Lamborghini drives by...their heads swivel like owls. I tried very discretely to take this image, lurking in the shadows of a maple tree. I don't like the idea of padding the egos of those who drive these creations because they are horrendously Earth unfriendly and, quite honestly, useless for city driving. That said, they are gorgeous examples of design and function. Here's a few stats about this car:

- introduced to North America at the New York Auto Show in April 2014
- retail price in Canada...$287 000
- 0-60 mph in 2.9 seconds
- top speed 207 mph
- rock carrying capabilities, about 20 carats

If you're interested in a drive through the countryside of Bordeaux in a McLaren 650S, click the following link.....

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